Friday, March 4, 2011

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


How and where can i get inspiration to stimulate me for creative works?

Monday, February 28, 2011


it has been a while since my last update.
honestly, i merely forgot that i posses a blog.
in fact, i have 2 blogs in blogspot, 1 blog in previous friendster account.
i m just not used to update my blog as i think nothing is worth to be updated.
things happened lately did not carry any newsworthiness.
as because nothing prominent subject i should take down.

exhausted for life, homework, work, friends.

internship is just over, and my finally my report is done.
and successfully submitted to lecturer.

mid term is just over, but tons of assignments are to piled up.
project work is the real hassle!!

body is very weak and i m keep falling sick.

have no energy, motivation, initiative to finish up those pending works.
a lot of things are listed in my to-do-list!
but, i need some stimulation to stimulate my motivation in order to finish them.
where can find?
may be, i need a long vacation for me to rest before i move on.
however, life is too short and i m not allowed to do so before this semester end and before i earn that amount of money.

so, no complain. take my night and sleep~
good night
and let's put the hope on tomorrow. =)